What is an occupational therapy driving assessment?

An occupational therapy driving assessment involves two parts – an ‘off-road’ assessment and an ‘on-road’ assessment.  It is preferable for these parts to occur over two appointments, but in special circumstances can be arranged together.

The off-road assessment can take place in the home or at one of our offices.  It involves a thorough assessment of driving history and future needs, testing of  physical and cognitive ability related to driving and careful planning for the on-road assessment.

The on-road assessment involves driving the carefully designed route agreed upon at the off-road assessment.  This assessment takes place in a dual control car with a driving instructor in the passenger seat and occupational therapist in the back passenger seat.


Why is an occupational therapy driving assessment needed?

In Victoria, licence holders are required to tell VicRoads if they have a medical condition that could impact driving safety.  An occupational therapy driving assessment is needed to clarify the impact of the medical condition on driving – it provides the ‘evidence’ and solutions if there is an impact.  

An occupational therapy driving assessment is NOT required due to your age in Victoria, rather it is related to your health.



Please look through the additional FAQs specific to drivers, health professionals and concerned relatives.